The Athanasian (Trinitarian) Creed says that the Father is incomprehensible, the Son is incomprehensible, and the Holy Spirit incomprehensible. The word “incomprehensible” means something that is impossible to be understood; not intelligible. This notion which the formulators of the Trinitarian doctrine attributed to the Trinity has gained such a delusive hold on many Christians that […]
“Now, the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Many of the Jews believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men” (Acts 17:11 12, NIV). […]
The Danger of blindly following Orthodoxy
The Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines the word orthodox as “accepted as true or correct by most people; supporting or believing what most people think is true.” The same dictionary defines orthodoxy as “the quality or state of being orthodox; an orthodox belief or practice.” Wikipedia defines orthodoxy as “adherence to correct or accepted creeds, especially in […]
The word tithe is an old English word which means a tenth. In the Bible the word is translated from the Hebrew word maaser or maasar or maasrah, and it is used 32 times in the Hebrew Bible, known as Old Testament by Christians. In the New Testament, the word is translated from the Greek […]
There are some Bible verses which, if understood in their strict literal sense, tend to say that every person that ever becomes a king or ruler was appointed into that position by God. And this has been the belief of many people, including Christians. The following are some of such scriptures: “Daniel said, ‘May the […]
Who Are The 24 Elders in the Book of Revelation?
One book of the Bible that contains many subjects that are hard to understand is clearly the Book of Revelation. One of such subjects is the identity of the twenty four elders mentioned twelve times in the book (Rev. 4:4,10; 5:5,6,8,11,14; 7:11,13; 11:16; 14:3; 19:4). And because of the near-enigmatic details given of them, much […]
One of the fantastic teachings about the great tribulation is that true believers will not go through it. But this teaching has been found to be inconsistent with the Bible. First, whereas Rapture teachers say the Rapture will take place before the great tribulation, our Lord Jesus Christ said the catching up of the saints […]
What is the difference between the Body, Soul, and Spirit?
If there is one truth that we need to know, it is the fact that this is one topic that is not easy to explain. Whereas, it is easy to distinguish the body from the spirit and soul, the difference between soul and spirit is not given in the Bible. This has made the topic […]
Was Jesus Christ Not Created by God?
One of the earliest articles written by me was an 8-page article captioned “Is Jesus Christ a created being?” In it, I contended that our Lord Jesus Christ is not one of the creation of God. I argued that if all things, with no one excepted, were created by him, as written in John 1:3 […]
What the Bible teaches about Speaking in Tongues
This is one spiritual gift about which there has been so much controversies and confusion in Christendom, especially in Pentecostal churches. Today we see a lot of people who claim to be speaking in tongues but all we hear from them is babble. In some of the churches, they teach their converts how to speak […]